Denise Goldberg's blog

What's in that trailer? Or in those panniers?
Self-contained bicycle touring, a packing list

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Why? : Moving to a single gear list

OK Denise, why are you writing an article about your gear list? Don't you know it's been done before?

I know, I know... I've been putting a gear list in each of my journals with the thought that each tour is different and each gear list is also different to accommodate the differences in my tour. But when all is said and done, my different gear lists are very, very similar to each other. The differences? Maybe I'll have some extra cold weather clothing with me if I'm traveling somewhere (or some when) and I expect cool temperatures. Or maybe I'm planning a side trip where I'll need hiking shoes. Or I'm planning on camping on one trip, and credit-card touring on another. Or maybe... In reality, there's a core list that I always work from, and then I add or subtract items based on the needs of the specific tour - the location, the weather, the bike and hauling mode I've chosen for the trip.

So why am I writing and publishing this article? Three reasons:
  1. The first reason is the selfish one. It saves me the effort (small though it was) of creating a new gear list for each trip, and it allows me to keep all of my gear decisions in one place. And since I always use my gear list as I pack for my tours, I'll have one place to go for my list and my thoughts about the items on the list.
  2. My gear list may be useful if you're a cyclist who is just getting started with touring and trying to decide what you need. You'll build your own list as you decide what's important for you and your trip - but maybe my list and thoughts will be helpful to you.
  3. And for my faithful journal readers, you won't be stumbling over a long gear list in each journal. If you're interested, you can reference this article.
I imagine that this article will be interesting to a very targeted group of readers (beside me, that is). Not interested? You really won't hurt my feelings if you stop reading now!